New Here?
We all were new at one time and we remember what it’s like. So we’ve provided the information below, knowing that it’s easier to venture into a new place when you know what to expect.
Sunday Mornings
Our service on Sunday morning starts at 9:30 with around 500 people in attendance. We have hundreds of volunteers working hard to make sure all visitors are welcomed and encouraged. Our congregation spans a range of ages and backgrounds. The pastors on-stage dress conservatively, but you’ll see people in the pews dressed in all styles—from jeans to business suits We care more about your heart than what is on body. Each service lasts for one hour and fifteen minutes. Near the beginning, the pastor will encourage you to greet the people sitting around you, but no one will single you out as a visitor. Also, we don’t expect our visitors to give. So feel free to let the offering plate pass by when it comes down your row. Kids are welcome to attend worship services, but we also offer a variety of Sunday-morning programs for young children. Fellowship groups offer adults a chance to connect in smaller groups.
Help on Sundays
If you have questions about worship or Sunday classes, ask a “greeter” located at one of the many entrances throughout the building. If you need to talk or pray with someone about a personal struggle, ask to be connected with a prayer partner. This group of men and women have studied and trained so that they can offer you a listening ear, sincere prayer, and biblical encouragement.
Getting Connected
Getting connected at Anthony Grove is about relationships that get beneath the surface. Those kinds of relationship won’t come simply by attending worship services. They take time. One way to get connected is to join a fellowship group or Bible study. These are available for all ages—children, youth, men, and women. Smaller groups of men and women—called fellowship groups—meet during all three service times on Sunday morning. Serving others also deepens your relationship with God and people. We offer a variety of service opportunities that will connect you with a team of staff and volunteers who work together in serving others and God. Finally, you can engage with others through life learning and growth and recovery programs. From managing money to building a stronger marriage, these programs will help you know God and build relationships with His people.